Quick, quick, quick post … because I’m at church in between services. Happy Sunday, btw. 🙂
First, I want to tell you about the recent release of Wisdom For Women, the first book of my sweet friend, Debbi Bryson. I’ve known it was coming for a while, but it wasn’t until I opened my copy yesterday and started reading that I discovered it is a companion to The One-Year Bible. Debbi’s devotionals correspond each day to the section of Proverbs that you’re reading in that program. I already love the book, and I know you will too. One of the things I’ve always so appreciated about Debbi’s teaching is that she doesn’t hold back — she tells you exactly what you most need to hear. You’ll always hear the truth from Debbi, but her concern for you will also come through clearly. She is both an exhorter and a comforter, which is a rare and lovely combination.
Since we’re at the beginning of a brand new year, why not commit to going through the Bible with millions of others who are using this easy-to-follow system? If you don’t like “systems,” maybe you could just commit to read the Bible any old way you want to. 🙂 The point is, it’s the Word of God … and we all need to give it greater respect than we do. Enough said.
UPDATE! I just learned that Debbi’s book won’t be available until May. So sorry I whet your appetite for something you now have to wait for … but how about if I read my copy for both of us? 😀 I’ll try to remind you again when it’s released. In the meantime, you can pre-order it if you’d like. And you should probably do that.
UPDATE #2!! I just got a message from Barbara Bartlett, who works with Debbi. She said the big kick-off for Debbi’s book is in May (in time for Mother’s Day), but if anyone wants to order a copy now, they can contact her at: [email protected].
On another note, I finally, finally, finally (with the patient help of my other sweet friend, Toni Rich) got my book, A Whisper in Winter, uploaded on Amazon as an eBook. And until midnight tonight, you can download it for free. 🙂 Please do!
Lord willing, Inconceivable will follow shortly.
I clicked on the link for your book, but it didn’t work. ????
So sorry, Tonya! I changed a little thing in the code and it seems to be working now. Let me know if you still have trouble. Thanks for trying! 🙂
Hi Shannon-
I bought this at our South Hill CC retreat you spoke at years ago. What a wonderful book! And I have a cool story to accompany that… About a month after that retreat in 2007, I found myself flying home to Alabama to attend my grandmother’s funeral. I needed something to sustain me through those long flights so I grabbed this book. I believe I finished it on my first flight from SeaTac to Dallas. On my very small second flight that took me straight into Birmingham, I sat by one of the flight attendants who was sharing about her life. She opened up about difficulty, cancer, and other things that had left her feeling down in the dumps. The Holy Spirit quickened my heart and I gave her my copy of Whisper in Winter. She was so grateful as I assured her it would bless and encourage her heart as it had my own just a few short hours ago.
I just had this delivered to my kindle and I can’t think of a better way to wrap up a Sunday than to snuggle up in my recliner with a cup of decaf and read til my eyes won’t let me. Thanks for the freebie 😉
Oh, Melissa! I am so touched! Thank you for sharing that with me. I love your story 🙂 And I love hearing how the Holy Spirit nudges. God bless you 🙂