Jesus replied, “My light will shine for you just a little longer. Walk in the light while you can, so the darkness will not overtake you. Those who walk in the darkness cannot see where they are going. Put your trust in the light while there is still time …
John 12:35-36
To read today’s portion of scripture, you can purchase The One Year Bible or find the following in your Bible:
2 Samuel 1:1-2:11
John 12:20-50
Psalm 118:19-29
Proverbs 15:27-28
Along while back, before Dave was a pastor, he was a journeyman adjuster at Scott Paper in Everett. Our home in Marysville was about 6 miles from his workplace, and he decided one day that he might like to bike in to work. It was an easy, downhill ride there, but the ride back was a bit of a chore. Still, he felt good about saving gas and getting exercise all in one fell swoop.
This went on for a few nights (he was working swing shift that week). After work he’d bike across the Snohomish River and through downtown Marysville, then head up Lauck Road (one giant hill) until he got to the site of the now Centennial Trail. Back then, it was just a long dirt trail that connected Lauck Road with our driveway. On a nice sunny day you could make that ride in about 10 minutes.
But this was around midnight, and the trail was pitch black. Luckily, Dave had a light on the front of his bike. Unluckily, the battery died just as he was about halfway down the trail. He told me he stopped right in his tracks, because he was covered in darkness. It was the kind of black that prohibits you from seeing your own hand in front of you face. And along either side of the trail were bushes, trees and deep, steep gullies.
He shut off the light and stood there a moment, trying to catch a glimpse of something — anything. He gave the light a good shaking and turned it on again, and a very faint light showed just a few feet down the trail before it died again. He took that opportunity to run with the bike a few feet before he had to stop and wait again.
He eked out a little light in that way maybe two or three more times, and then he was at the mercy of the darkness. And when he finally made his way home, inch by inch, and told me that at one point, something had run under his bike and hit his pant leg, I shuddered.
You never appreciate the light more than when it’s gone. This warning of Jesus is as urgent today as it was 2000 years ago. While there is light, there’s hope for salvation. But one day, that chance will be gone.
“We work together with God, and we beg you to make good use of God’s kindness to you. In the Scriptures God says,
“When the time came,
I listened to you,
and when you needed help,
I came to save you.”
That time has come. This is the day for you to be saved.”
2 Corinthians 6:1-2