To read today's portion of scripture, you can purchase The One Year Bible (paid link) or find the following in your Bible: Genesis 30:1-31:16 Matthew 10:1-23 Psalm 12:1-8 Proverbs 3:13-15 "But go rather to the lost sheep ... " (Matthew 10:5). Taken in context, Jesus is telling the disciples to bring the good news of salvation to Israel first. We know that later Jesus Himself will heal Gentiles, and Philip will lead the Ethiopian to salvation and Paul will be sent specifically to reach the ... continue reading...
Search Results for: Those+chairs
How to Make a Birch Tree
Well, that's not technically correct, because only God can make a birch tree. And I have all the more respect for Him after it took me hours and hours to make ten fake birch trees. You may never need this information, but then again, perhaps one day you'll be kidnapped and held in a bizarre game of, "We'll let you go if you can produce a birch tree out of nothing but chicken wire, sheets, paint and a glue gun." It could happen. And then won't you be so, so happy you read this post all the way to ... continue reading...
Growing and Drying Mint for Winter Tea
From the age of 7-10, I lived in a tiny town in Oklahoma called Heavener. Over the years, I've met a number of people who were born and spent their whole lives in Oklahoma, and none of those people except for one ever heard of Heavener. I have a fond memory of attending a Seder Passover dinner at the home of Glen Campbell (and his beautiful wife, Kim) when my son was 8, and at one point during the night, I found myself standing in the kitchen talking to Glen while he ate a plate of food. Knowing ... continue reading...
I I've mentioned my other blog before, but I'm not sure I've mentioned that I'm trying to slowly move all those posts over to this blog. I have this secret fear that I'll pop over there one day and blogger will have just deleted the whole thing. Maybe an unrealistic fear, but I'm still going to unl oad all the cargo I can just in case the boat actually sinks without warning. Since I'm out of town this week, and attending our annual Calvary Chapel Pastors' Wives Retreat at the Murrieta Hot ... continue reading...
The (Hobby) Farm in July
Here's a snapshot of July from a few years ago ... "Well, life on the farm is kinda laid baaaaack!" Really? Let's see now. How has my week gone ... Two of our goats, Bambi and Jimmy, had a touch of something or other. Dave gave them a wormer and I gave them two doses of penicillin. It occurs to me now that I'm the family injector. Dave doesn't say, "I need to give the goats (insert: cat, dog ... hamster) a shot." He says, "We need to give the goats a shot," and then he waits for me to ... continue reading...
Germany-Part 5
(Blogger won't take my pictures today ... but I'll keep trying) a I will take you to Buchenwald, I really will. And a walk through the Ann Frank House in downtown Amsterdam. But those tellings will only come when I push aside the happy-of-heart condition I'm in. You can't type those words while feeling light and satisfied. You have to go deep and lonely to find those words ... and I'm not ready. Yesterday was too lovely a day to set aside for long. I'll write about that first. You know ... continue reading...