How little we know of the power of God …
Thirsting, we look to the heavens, and the One we know is there.
The One who created the ocean, and set its boundaries in place;
the One who invented the roar of thunder and the crackle of lightning, and who sends both skittering madly across the sky;
the One who colors the clouds gray and fills them with moisture, and flings fat raindrops splattering to earth;
the One who forces a bubbling stream to a mountaintop surface, and sends it rushing in tiny rivulets, merging and twisting and growing until it becomes a raging river.
And to demonstrate the great depth of our faith — to prove that we believe He is there and He is able —
we lift a thimble skyward,
and ask, with trembling voice,
“Can You spare one drop?”
We live like paupers when the King says come and be satisfied, come and drink of the fountain of Living Water. Thanks for sharing Shannon.