Merry Christmas, everyone! Did you love today? We have had the perfect Christmas. I love when Christmas morning lands on a Sunday. I kind of think there’s nothing more appropriate than starting the celebration with a church service. What better way to set your focus where it belongs? I was so happy to see so many people at church this morning. I think Jonas Aley said it best: “It’s so cool that we get to go to church on Christmas morning!” That blessed me, Jonas. I couldn’t agree more.
This week is always so busy. I planned on blogging a bunch, but it had to wait until this afternoon. I have lots to share! I will be blogging this week about biscuits and gravy, and an easy-to-assemble snowman kit, but today my time is limited. We’re due at my sisters in T-minus 23 for prime rib, so this will have to be quick.
Many, many years ago, when Zac was about 4 and we had just acquired a foster daughter who was 10, I discovered that the two of them had put their heads together and decided it would be fun to peek into two of the gifts I had prematurely placed under the tree. I didn’t think that was the greatest idea I’d ever heard. We (Dave and I) threatened to take back the two gifts that Ashley and Zac had opened, which resulted in the gasps and widened eyes we had hoped for. Still, I didn’t want to take any more chances. So that year, I labeled all the rest of the gifts with pseudonyms, figuring (rightly) that if the kids didn’t know which presents belonged to them, they wouldn’t peek. I don’t remember who was who, but all the gifts under the tree that year were now labeled with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Don’t ask me why.
The next year, I went for silly names. Rufus was one … and I think Beauregard. And ever since, the packages under our tree are labeled with pseudonyms known only to me. I keep the master list in my bedroom, trusting that Dave doesn’t really care enough to go snooping.
This year, I chose names from “It’s A Wonderful Life.” Now that the gift-opening has already come and gone, I can divulge my master list. Dave and I were George and Mary Bailey. Zac was Sam Wainwright. Brittney was Uncle Billy. Presents given to the two of them (read: stuff for their house) were tagged with Mr. Potter. Tera was Violet Bick. And our little angel, Gage, was Clarence.
I thought maybe I was the only one to get any enjoyment out of this, but Tera came home from youth group the other night and told me that when they went around the circle and shared their favorite Christmas tradition, this was the one she shared. Who knew?
I know what you’re thinking. Why didn’t I tell you this little tradition BEFORE Christmas, when you could make up your own names? I was … busy. But you’re just looking at this from the wrong angle. I’m not late for Christmas 2011 … I’m early for Christmas 2012. Just think: now you have 365 days to come up with your own names!
(Slightly misquoted) “You see, (Shannon), you really had a wonderful (idea),” . . . brilliant . . . entertaining . . . heartfelt . . . creative . . . inspiring! Thanks, as usual, for sharing. By the way, did I mention I’ll be two hundred ninety-three . . . next May?
Clarence ASC (Angel Second Class)
This is too cute! How smart. 🙂
GREAT IDEA! Too cute and so you!!!
I LOVE this tradition… especially the “Wonderful LIfe” names! Thanks for sharing this 🙂
Thanks! I’ll probably post it again next December when it is more timely, lol 🙂